Friday, September 19, 2008 #263

Spirit Speaks to My Heart
Daily Inspiration
A Course in Miracles
Spirit Guidance
Listen with your Heart
Holy Spirit, Please share with me how I can learn what you teach in Lesson 263...
Dear Child of God, As we speak today's affirmation of Truth;My holy vision sees all things as pure. Let us be vigilant for God and His Kingdom knowing all is as God would have it be. Judgement is what makes the world you have made seem less than you desire it to be. All is Godly - For all is God. No-thing of this world is anything - All is man-made by your it's maker - God judges not your world - nor you His Son for He knows all is as you dream it to be and that dreams are simply the world where the son pretends that he is away from His father's Kingdom. Silly as it is - Let not these thoughts bring you to a place of confusion - Simply see through the eyes of Love and as you do - God's world becomes apparent to you and you begin to remember His Home is yours and all is Love here and now.

A Course in Miracles Teacher's Manual
Ananda's Ministry "Alliance of Divine Love Chapel 239

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